Friday, August 5, 2011

From a Nikon D60 to a Nikon D90

Have upgraded to a Nikon D90. Sadly because the Nikon D60 that I carried with me every single day, everywhere I went for over the past four years, gave up the ghost. I will get it repaired when I can afford to and will cherish it as a solid 'back-up' unit. The D60 was a fantastic 'starter' DSLR for me. It was a kit that came with an 18-55 + 55-200 VR lenses. 
If it is still being manufactured, I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a decently priced DSLR camera (maybe even cheaper 2nd hand?)

I had a couple of shooting commitments looming in just over a week and faced with a six to eight weeks turn around time on 'possible' repairs, I started looking for a replacement. I thought I would stick with what I was comfortable with (and liked), so I pooled my savings, borrowing funds from a very generous friend and ended up picking up another 'kit' The D90 came with an 18-105 + 70-300 VR lenses.

Well, I charged up the battery, put on the UV filters and headed out this morning to see how user friendly it was. Okay, I have a few more of the bells and whistles to find and some combination button pressing to figure out but over all, I think I'm pleased with my choice!

I thought I'd park a few samples here of some of the test shots I took today. I was hoping to get a combo sunny/cloudy day but it was extremely overcast when I was out and the sky was a kind of blinding flat white. Of course I'm looking out my living room window right now and brilliant sun shine is taunting me. But for now, the very first images shot with a new Nikon D90.

Oh and as usual, down at the bottom - I encountered a critter or two while I was out....

Gazebo in Queen's Park Rose Garden, New Westminster, BC
Queen's Park petting zoo resident
Inter-species encounter
Dakota one half of the stink sisters 15 yrs old

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