Some days I download and edit my Sunday shoots as soon as I get home. Some Sundays I download them to be 'edited later'. Well, sometimes, those 'to be edited laters' begin to pile up. Resulting in a Mash-Up post of a few stragglers that I've been putting off editing.
I'm often told I'm probably too hard on my own stuff but, trust me, I don't think anyone would want to sift through all my duds and 'experimental' shots.So, to avoid the agony on the viewer's part and the embarrassment on mine, I think I've compiled a decent set of recent Sunday excursions in one post.
And as usual all this pretty is less than thirty minutes from our front door.
We really do live in a gorgeous corner of the province - and that's not even hitting the "great outdoors" - outings like those get their own fanfare and blog posts.
So, here are a handful of random images from around New Westminster, Delta, Richmond, Vancouver and environs.
a potted something or other on our front steps |
a quick peak at the mighty Fraser river |
blackberries in the making |
suspicious spillage floating in the slough? |
does anyone have a clue what these are called? and are they edible? |
we dubbed this the Fortis Fortress. it was HUGE! |
a second silo(?) was being erected - even bigger than the other one |
a beautifully clean slough behind a business complex |
happy undulating river grass |
they made such a pretty sound in the breeze. a beautiful parking lot border! |
I called this popcorn sky. from the office parking lot |
another view from the parking lot |
crows hanging out on a wire |
westjet coming in for a landing at the airport in Richmond |
flammable! |
Iona Point looking the other way |
There are acres and acres still out there we haven't covered. We may never leave our own backyard at this rate. :)