Friday, September 18, 2009

Destination: Back to Vancouver along Hwy l part IIi

After an enjoyable lunch in Lytton, we hit the road. Once back on the highway, we watched the changing scenery zip by us and marveled at the beautiful colour of the Thompson river.

I don't think the plain little 'pull-off' has a name but it was where we got to get out to stretch our legs and look out over the Thompson River.

We came across another unscheduled stop in Boston Bar. We found an another abandoned site. The Boston Bar Bed & Breakfast. There were a few boarded up, sagging buildings left to nature's attention. One structure caught our eye; it has a fascinating building tucked back away in the dense trees that vandals had tried their best to bust up, but it looked like one 'glass house' that could withstand some stone throwing.


With this site explored, we piled back into the car and hit the road for what we thought would be the last, uninterrupted stretch of road back to Vancouver, until I remembered that we were going to be driving rigth by the Alexandra Bridge.

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