It's going to take something even more amazing-er to top that! Srsly!
Anyway, Kilby is a "1920's Historic Site". With cool 1920's farm buildings and a couple of goats and bunnies, pigs and ducks. It's one of BC Heritage's recognized sites (which there are over 200 of them). It is a nicely maintained 'living museum' and recommended to all interested in taking a look back at a little corner of BC.
A little past the farm, we found a forest service road that went, well, straight up! Where we found a handful of some crazy fools who enjoy running off the tops of mountains and soar over the valley and river(s) below. The drive up there was bone jarring but the view was spectacular!!! And of course, what kind of trip would it be if I didn't meet a four footed friend.
Here's some of the stuff I saw.