Sunday, July 23, 2023

Another Scorcher

Sunday. Sunny. Sweltering. Sensational Summer Weather! Well, to be honest, by ten o'clock it was no longer comfortable to be out in the sun.
Boy does my heart goes out thoses brave people who work outside in these conditions. Not to mention the fire crews fighting their hardest to keep the entire province from burning to the ground. It's another record breaking fire season and there doesn't seem to be an end to it any time soon. Tragically there have been recent fatalities already. I pray there won't be any more.

Today. I drove. I know, 'stop the presses'! At his suggestion, we stopped to take a few pictures at the Rose Garden. Then we headed off. He sat quietly (I think quietly terrified) while I maneuvered through the nearly deserted streets. We went to our new favourite coffee shop and bakery again today. We need to sit outside next visit. It was already hotter than a baker's oven in there when we got there.

Some pictures of the rose garden.

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