[[[A recent heavy rainfall + (careless?) construction practices in Burnaby, resulted in a number of salmon basically suffocating to death by the silt and sand that ran into the creek off the construction site.
. Humans . are . stupid .
Hopefully a hearty pod of tenacious fish had already made it past the death site and are on the last legs of their journey. Pictures below are from a couple of locations that the creek runs through the city.
Go little salmon! GO!!!
Remnants of All Hallow's Eve. A giant Sasquatch going back to the rental place for another year. |
First glimpse of the creek in the ravine. |
Post rain storm rapids-like current. |
Crystal clear water, yet warnings were posted that it was not safe for swimming or wading. |
The remaining stump is MASSIVE next to its neighbouring tree. |
Our first stop in our search through the urban woods. |
Our second stop that was one block over from a major city intersection. |
Strip malls and four lanes of road just on the other side of that fence. |
An idyllic entrance to a magical place. |
Next post: More of The Central Valley and the water that runs through it.
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