Friday, September 18, 2009

Destination: Back to Vancouver along Hwy l part II

'M' spotted the little church as we barrelled down the highway heading home and suggested we turn back and have a look-see. It was the oddest place to find a church and the two fenced in cemeteries.

It seemed like such a lonely little church sitting in a fork in the highway beside a dingy trailer park, two desolate little cemeteries and train tracks.

We're not sure why there were two separate fenced in cemeteries or why there were no signs* or names on anything in the area or why this was sitting where it was. The site was just 'there' sitting in the middle of nowhere.

When we pulled in off the highway we wandered around silently, making only hushed comments about this and that. Lost each in our own thoughts. After being in the cemetery area for a while we noticed that what seemed like hoards of people were pulling in to the site. It had been deserted when we pulled in and was quickly overrun with curious travellers as we pulled back out onto the highway that would take us home.
*(I will research this place until I find it and update this post with the information)

From this solemn little 'attraction', we pulled back onto the highway. We made a quick stop in the cutest little town on earth; Lytton, for lunch and then back on the road. We found a place along the highway to pull off for a short break look around. We pulled into what I will refer to as the 'Thompson lookout'....

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