Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ponds in Surrey

We stopped for breakfast then did a little drive into Surrey ['City of Parks'] to look for a couple of hidden gems. Neighbourhood Ponds! They are everywhere.
The idea of a pond just beyond one's backyard seems too good to be true but little local ponds pepper neighbourhoods all over the City.

Note: Surrey has over 400 parks to visit/walk/bike and explore!

Geese @ Burnaby Lake

Up early. Despite threatening skies we wandered over to Burnaby Lake to find some of the local Canada Geese chilling on the beach. Some were up with the ducks and going about their day while others were still asleep, despite people fishing nearby and others wandering within yards of their turf.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Morning Sunrise

Sunday; we headed out earlier than we normally do. 4:30 a.m. The roads were pleasantly empty. The air was cool and fresh. The birds singing was the soundtrack of our drive. Looks like we might be making earlier departures from now on - or at least for the longer days of the year.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Rainy Ride down River Road

Grey skies greeted us when we left earlier than usual this past Sunday for our coffee and a drive.

Despite the grey ceiling, we 'popped the top' and headed out al fresco. It was lovely. The air was fresh and sweet. The breeze, cool. We didn't have any destination in mind so we took to an old faithful route down along River road on the banks of the mighty Fraser.
It began to rain mid-trip but we 'popped the top' back on and continued our little trip along the water.

Some shots of our soggy Sunday.

Everything is Green

Another gorgeous Sunday for hitting the road and stopping for coffee.